
Wiki shock to the system
Wiki shock to the system

Chad Allen makes a believable, interesting private eye. But the mystery is satisfyingly complicated, with a nice number of red herrings. The movie has it's was made for cable with awkward acting in some of the secondary roles and it has that clean, careful look of most made-for-TV films. And you don't need to be gay to enjoy Shock to the System. It's worth pointing out that you don't need to be a collie to enjoy "Lassie" or a guy with a gut to enjoy John Wayne. On the other hand, those with a fondness for well-constructed mysteries that feature politics, victimization, murder, martinis and phenalzine should enjoy the story, the style of Donald Strachey and the puzzle. "At least," as Strachey says, "as close as two men can get to it.more important, I'm in love with him." Those who find a gay agenda under every leaf, revolver and bloody baseball bat may not like this movie. Donald Strachey (Chad Allen) is not only a capable and tough private eye in Albany, he and Timmy are married. Timmy Callahan (Sebastian Spence) is a political type in Albany, New York. "Dressing badly," says Callahan, "decorating your home with duck decoys, breaking out in a rash whenever Barbra Streisand sings." To explain: Reparative therapy means conversion from being gay or lesbian into happy, contented heteroes.

wiki shock to the system

"I wonder what his idea of 'successful' is," says Donald Strachey, a private eye. "Trevor Cornell is one of the most successful reparative therapy providers in New York," says Timmy Callahan.

Wiki shock to the system